State-of-the-art technology


Transcript uses advanced software and technology to deliver better, faster, smarter solutions.

Communications Transcript | Flat spanners
Communications Transcript | Translation is all about meaning

At Transcript, we use cutting-edge translation and editing software at every stage of the translation process, from initial contact to final delivery.

  • Translation memories
  • Terminology databases
  • Editing and proofreading software
  • Word processing software
  • Dictation software
  • Computer-assisted translation (CAT) tools

We understand your needs in today’s increasingly competitive market and we’ve built a highly sophisticated IT environment to support you.

Why choose Transcript?

“Technology working for people, not the other way around. At Transcript, we use translation tools wisely and responsibly. Our translators always have the last word.”

Elyse, Senior Translator/Reviser

At Transcript, we use advanced workflow management and document indexing software to increase efficiency and give you the best value for your money.

We can handle documents in almost any standard file format and we work with an integrated browser-based resource management and planning tool to track every step of the translation and project management process.

We leverage technology to:

  • Improve the efficiency of our translation process
  • Ensure consistent quality

  • Lower your costs
  • Reduce turnaround time
  • Protect your data
Communications Transcript | Cars driving on overlapping highways

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